GUWAHATI: Seatbelt enforcement in vehicles in Guwahati is crucial from a perspective of safety but it is majorly applicable only in the case of the driver, seldom the front passenger. Unlike metro cities with heavy expressway traffic, Guwahati's relatively moderate vehicle speeds, shorter commuting distances, and fewer high-speed highways reduce the immediate risk posed by the vehicle’s front passenger not wearing seat belts.
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A lack of awareness or negligence from the general public can also be attributed as the reason for the lack of usage of seatbelts for the passengers, hence compromising its enforcement.
It is to be also noted that most accidents in the city occur at lower speeds, where the impact is often less severe compared to high-speed collisions on national highways. Additionally, public awareness about seat belt safety is gradually improving, with drivers and front-seat passengers already complying with existing laws.
However, there are many who do not comply with the rules and regulations.
Talking to GPlus, a cab driver in Guwahati said, “Before starting our trip, we always advise the passenger to put on their seatbelt. Many comply, but other passengers at times do not and ignore.”
Speaking to GPlus, a local from Ulubari under the conditions of anonymity said, “I personally feel it is a hassle to put on the seatbelt. I prefer to not use it or try to evade it.”
Although these factors show a crucial angle, many are still of the opinion that a lack of enforcement plays a major role in passengers not using their seatbelts.
Talking to a senior traffic official at Dispur police station, “We enforce the passenger seatbelt at the front whenever we see a violation. We do encourage passengers in the vehicles to wear seatbelts for both driver and front passenger, as it is absolutely necessary from a safety point of view. A fine of ₹1000 is applicable if we see a front passenger in a vehicle not wearing the seatbelt.”
Seatbelt usage must remain a recommended safety practice. For now, Guwahati’s road safety priorities focus more on helmet enforcement for two-wheeler riders, drunk driving checks, and speed limit violations, which contribute to a higher number of road accidents.