
Oil's Not Well With Guwahati Petrol Pumps

Following the earlier controversies of petrol pumps selling adulterated fuel, Satyanarayan Service Station, a petrol pump located at Gotanagar has received public fury.


A passenger who re-fueled his vehicle on Tuesday, 24th Oct, at this particular station, alleged that soon after, his vehicle started malfunctioning. On checking, the engine of the vehicle, the concerned person found bubble like substances oozing from the fuel chamber. After verification, it was confirmed that the oil in the vehicle tank was adulterated to a large extent.


Agitated car owners protested in front of the petrol pump on Wednesday. They also demanded that Government should adopt proper measures against such petrol pumps that have been cheating on the customers of the city.


It has also been alleged by several customers that, lately, petrol pumps in the city have started to refuse providing oil to customers in bottles. Customers suspect that this could expose the adulteration of the fuel easily

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