GUWAHATI: In a heartbreaking incident, an Indian Army dog lost her life saving her handler in a gunfight during a search operation in Narla village in Jammu and Kashmir's Rajouri district on September 13.
The six-year-old dog named Kent led a column of soldiers on the trail of terrorists attempting to flee the scene, media reports stated.
“The Army dog, Kent, was at the forefront of Operation Sujaligala. Kent was leading a column of soldiers on the trail of the fleeing terrorists. She came down under heavy hostile fire. While shielding her handler, she laid down her own life in the best traditions of the Indian Army,” the spokesperson said as per reports.
Another terrorist was killed in an encounter with security forces on Wednesday, September 13, 2023, raising the death toll during the ongoing three-day search operation in a remote village in Jammu and Kashmir’s Rajouri district to three, officials said.