
Assam Passes Legislation To Strengthen Village Defence Organisations And Municipalities


GUWAHATI: The Assam Assembly convened on Monday to pass legislative amendments aimed at enhancing the effectiveness of village defence organisations (VDOs) and streamlining the functions of municipalities in the state. In a unanimous voice vote, the assembly approved the Assam Village Defence Organisation (Amendment) Bill, 2024, which seeks to modernize and re-align the VDOs to address contemporary challenges arising from socio-economic and demographic shifts.

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The bill amends key sections of the original 1966 act governing the definition, duties, and functions of VDOs. According to the 'statement of objects and reasons' of the bill, the amendment aims to make VDOs more responsive to the evolving landscape and equip them to tackle emerging challenges effectively.

Additionally, the assembly passed The Assam Municipal (Amendment) Bill, 2024, introduced by Housing and Urban Affairs Minister Ashok Singhal. This legislation modifies the 1956 act to delineate the roles and responsibilities of the three state municipal cadres. It specifically addresses municipal staff appointments, state government oversight of municipal employees, and the functions of the Urban Engineering Service and Urban Financial Service.

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Furthermore, the assembly endorsed six bills for amendments to autonomous councils, proposed by Tribal Affairs (Plain) Minister Ranoj Pegu. These amendments aim to eliminate the provision of village councils from these areas.

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