Vaastu for a better sleep

09:53 AM Apr 23, 2018 | Hemanta Kumar Sarmah

A good sleep is the result of a healthy lifestyle and it is essential for rejuvenating the body and the mind. Studies have shown that more people die due to lack of sleep than anything else. If there is no proper sleep, there will not be enough rest for the body and we will not be able to do our duties properly.

The bedroom is a place where we rest and sleep. Every room has its own energy pattern. This energy can be affected by several factors like location, direction, colour, internal arrangements, interior decoration etc. The Southwest, South and West are best locations to have the bedroom. The eldest should sleep at Southwest.

The bedroom must be kept neat and clean. Take care to change the bed sheets and pillow covers regularly. They may look clean but they gather negative energy and germs which one cannot see. If suitcases or boxes are kept in the bedroom, they should be kept clean and covered with a cloth.

Electronic items send radiations which can affect us. So TV and computers are forbidden in the bedroom. Nowadays, mobile phone has taken a lot of time due to excessive use of the social media. It is also one of the reasons for lack of sleep! Electronic gadgets produce too much of Yang energy which is detrimental for sleep.
Keep a laughing Buddha in the bedroom. This produces positive vibes and will help sleep better. It is also a symbol of health, wealth and luck. But experts say that it should be kept inside a cabinet if kept in the bedroom.

The colour of the bedroom should not be very Yang or potent. Always use light colours which are soothing to the eyes. The same goes for curtains and bed sheets too. 
Few Tips:

1.   Place the position of the bed in a corner. Vaastu recommends the Southwest corner for the owner or the eldest member of the house.

2.   Take a bath before going to sleep. This will wash away the negative energies of the day and help you sleep better.

3.   It is advisable to take salt water bath once or twice a week. Salt destroys negative energy.

4.   Plant trees for generation of fresh oxygen. Take care not to have big trees at Northeast, East or North. Those living in apartments can keep healthy potted plants and have wooden furniture.

5.   Shoes carry and attract negative energy. One should not enter the house with shoes on. They should be left outside. Do not keep them at Northeast corner.

6.   Keep the house tidy and orderly. This will induce a sense of calm and peace which is essential for a tension-free mind and good sleep.

7.   A pyramid can be kept under the bed for a good night’s sleep. Pyramids are generators of positive energy.