

Random, the moment arrives unannounced,
As waiting is an element of all that is good,
Even news that seems tailor-made fails
To evoke the euphoria that the future holds
In our wildest dreams and in our fantasies
In our hidden crushes and in our fond tales...

The times, they call for recourse in a cloud
That is created by our minds which loves the sky
Even as all thoughts of the future results in hope
As much of the Earth as it is of the heavens,
Mortal as we all are, yet we live without fear
For, in our minds and hearts, we live forever...

Today, I woke up to find myself unwilling
To leave the warmth induced by a warm bed,
Ah! Only natural that tough times call for action
So, unwillingly leaving the comfort of sleep
I cajoled my mind into believing I'd have a good day,
The fact is that I very nearly did, until sleep calls...


The depths of reasoning
Build walls not easily broken,
Even talk fetters out into oblivion
As words spoken lose their essence...

We attempt bridging connections
Seldom do the doors open without
Even within, we have the caged being
Which resonates with perfect longing...

Yes, the depths assume proportions
Felt by the human condition without
As within, we try reasoning our way out,
For, no reason suffices to explain why...

The depths of each solitary heart is

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