GUWAHATI: The officials from the Central Protection Force (CPF) seized a Royal Bengal Tiger skin along with its skeletal remains during an operation near Sissikalghar in Dhemaji recently. This was revealed by Customs (Preventive), NER Shillong on Monday, January 13.
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The operation also led to the apprehension of one individual and the confiscation of two vehicles suspected to be involved in the illegal trade of wildlife products.
Customs (Preventive), NER Shillong shared on X: “Officers of CPF, Guwahati, on 10-01-25, seized Royal Bengal Tiger skin and its skeletal remains from near Sissikalghar, Dist. Dhemaji, Assam. 2 vehicles and 1 person apprehended. Case booked and handed over to Forest Range Officer, Dhemaji.”
The case has been registered and transferred to the Forest Range Officer in Dhemaji for further investigation.