
Pull your socks up! Let not failure in Pre-board Examination dampen your Spirit

Pre-board examinations for the XII class students have now been finished and the results of which must have also been published. Unlike the expectations, it is possible that you might not have done very well and so must be feeling very disappointed. For the majority of students, this dismal performance appears to be worse and they take it to be the end of the beginning of the much-dreamt promising career of life. But the reality is not so grave even if pre-board examination results did not turn up as had been planned and expected.

In fact, the pre-board examination result serves as an eye-opener because it is a precursor of the things which will take shape in the finale of the board examinations. But the failure to achieve as per your expectations at this stage does not mean the end of everything. Nor is it a holocaust. It is alarming but doors are not finally closed. You can do miracle even now, if you determinedly and religiously follow the steps given as under.

1. Make a 360-degree analysis of your performance and find your Achilles’ Heels

Pre-board exam results serve as the trust report card of both the strength and weaknesses of an examinee. So first, analyze the results of each subject very minutely and honestly. A possibility may be such that you must have done very well in a few subjects while in some of them you were not so fortunate. Identify the subjects along these lines of ‘Done very good’ and ‘Failed to do very good’.
Getting this homework done very painstakingly means getting half of the work done and finishing half of the journey to the preparation of the final examination of the board. 

Finally, chalk out a revised plan to give more time to the difficult subjects. Reallocate time for the self study as per the difficulty level of various subjects without any delay, frustration and self-guilt.

2. Start mending the problems via surgical strike

Some students always fear mathematics while some suffer from inborn phobia for language like English. If your pre-board examination performance was badly affected due to these two factors, then it is right the time to rectify them. For mathematics, you need to labour hard and put yourself to regular practice. Find out the specific chapters which always put you in trouble. Start working on them with war-like urgency and do-or-die attitude. 

In so far as building and refining lingual capability is concerned, it is a bitter fact that no task can be and has ever been accomplished overnight. You must practice rigorously to learn the language. But at this stage when you are running short of time, you must know which segment of language gives you pain - vocabulary or grammar or writing skill and try to find their solutions with the help from professionals and coaching institutes. But whatever you choose you must keep in mind that you do not have time enough to start mending things right from the beginning. You must also seek urgent help from the subject experts. Always remember that panicking at this stage would only worsen the situation. Taking pain and professional help would surely make you reach out to the fulfillment of your ambition.

3. Focus on chapter-and-day-specific-study-strategy

After the pre-board examination, very less time is left for the commencement of board examination. The paucity of time makes it quite impossible to go through the subject chapter wise. You must have by now known which chapters in a specific subject failed to deliver you good marks. That is why it is logical now to focus on only those problematic chapters very intensively and seriously. Avoid general preparation at this critical hour when you cannot afford much time to it.

At this stage you should also not make plan for a week or month. Since now even a single day is so critically important, so chalk out a day-wise plan. May be if possible, you need to plan hour-wise. This would help you penetrate into the subject matter more intensely.

4.  Concentrate on mock tests …they are essential

Mock test is unofficially full-scale test of the entire syllabus taken by a student in a seemingly familiar yet examination-induced-tense atmosphere. The sincere practice of taking at least two mock tests each day would prove to be very beneficial for the students at this crucial hour. 

The most important function of mock tests is to teach and train the students about the various treatises on time management and tricks of better answering the questions in examination. They also help increase the level of accuracy in answering the questions and know the syllabi thoroughly. Besides, they also boost the writing capacity and update you with the latest question patterns.

5. Clear the cobwebs of confusion and dilemma

Many of the students keep themselves embroiled in the chaotic condition, mainly due to confusion and dilemma of various sorts. They do lack clear understanding of various concepts of syllabi. Now it is the time to urgently clear away all confusions or remove ambiguities in the understanding of a particular topic or concept. Otherwise, you will be left with no more time and chance to correct and clear them later on.

6. Last but not the least

There is generally a gap of a few weeks between the end of the pre-board examination and that of commencement of the board examination. So this gap period, the golden time period from the perspective of preparation and revision of the examination, must be most judiciously and intensively utilized.

Never forget -

• To compile and revise regularly all formulae which you may need while answering the numerical questions in the examination.

• To solve as many questions from various exercises of the various subjects.

• To revise the syllabi at regular intervals.

• To keep on revising fair notes of the various terms and concepts with their definitions used in all subjects.

• To revise drawing charts graphs and diagrams with exact labelling.

• To relax whenever you feel mentally tired or bored.

• To prepare very seriously for the answers of the objective types of questions.

• To chalk out study schedule.

• To solve at least previous 5 years’ question papers.

• To keep realistically assessing your level of preparation of the examination at regular intervals.

• To see your friends and discuss the topics and concepts which give you trouble to get mastery over.

• To stop comparing yourself with your friends. This habit of comparing yourself would make you more disappointed and frustrated.

• The fact that marks do matter for a promising career but at the same time you must remember that marks, grades and divisions are never the matter of life and death for a student.

• Life still exists beyond the so-called much-professed glamour of marks.

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