Kamrup Metro Issues Guidelines For Gatherings Around Picnic Spots

11:36 AM Dec 29, 2022 | G Plus News


GUWAHATI: In order to regulate the gathering of picnickers around various picnic spots of Kamrup Metropolitan District during winter and other seasons, the District Administration has issued a few guidelines to check the destruction/ disturbance of Flora and Fauna and degradation of the entire ecosystem. 

Not only picnicking but any sort of assemblage is banned in both the Wildlife sanctuaries i.e. of the Kamrup Metropolitan District area extending from the Watch Tower within 500 meters. 

A fine of ₹1000 shall be levied on persons violating the given provisions, especially littering the place. 

Fine for offences committed in the forest area is to be collected by Forest Officials and fine for offences in revenue areas by the Revenue Officials. 

Proper signages of picnic spots are to be placed by the Forest Department. The responsibility of displaying huge and conspicuous sign boards indicating where picnicking is permitted and where not is assigned to the Forest Department and Sponsors. 

The following are the guidelines issued by the Office of the District Administration, Kamrup (M):