China Makes Nuclear Battery With 50 Years Of Uninterrupted Power 

07:01 PM Jan 17, 2024 | G Plus News

GUWAHATI: A new type of battery has been introduced that promises fifty years of continuous power without charge, as stated in a press release by Betavolt New Energy Technology, a tech company based in China, media reported. 

The battery reportedly delivers 100 microwatts of power and has a voltage of 3V with 63 isotopes incorporated into the module measuring a tiny 15x15x5 cubic millimeters, which is surprisingly compact and smaller than a coin.  Additionally, the layered structure of the battery prevents it from catching fire or exploding when subjected to sudden force and the battery can operate in a wide temperature range, from -60 degrees Celsius to 120 degrees Celsius, media reported. 

According to the company, this is first time that atomic energy has been miniaturized in any part of the world and the company has initiated pilot testing and plans to mass-produce the 1V battery for commercial applications, such as smart phones and drones, by the end of 2025. 

“Betavolt Atomic batteries can fulfil the demands for long-lasting power supply across multiple scenarios, such as aerospace, AI equipment, medical equipment, microprocessors, advanced sensors, small drones, and micro-robots,” the company stated in the press release on their official website as reported by media.