Assam Police Expose Ways Of Cyber Fraud After Cracking One

06:39 PM Sep 03, 2024 | Devraj Mahanta


GUWAHATI: In a major revelation on Tuesday, September 3, Diganta Barah, Commissioner of Police, Guwahati, outlined a comprehensive list of ongoing cyber fraud in Assam. This disclosure follows a significant bust of cybercriminals operating in Guwahati, exposing various fraudulent activities that have led to substantial financial losses across the state.

Also Read: Assam Police Arrest 4 Cybercriminals, Warn Against Handing Over Bank Accounts

Since the establishment of the Cyber Police Station in Panbazar in September 2023, a total of 606 complaints have been reported, with the total fraud amounting to Rs. 35.5 crore. Despite the scale of these crimes, police have managed to recover only Rs. 2.55 crore so far.

Modus Operandi of Common Online Scams:

1. APDCL Fraud: Fraudsters pose as electricity board officials, threatening to disconnect power unless immediate bill payments are made through dubious links. Victims are often tricked into downloading malicious apps that grant scammers remote access to their devices.

2. Online Arrest Scam: Scammers impersonate police officers, claiming that the victim's child has been involved in serious crimes such as rape or drug offences. They demand payment to prevent arrest, exploiting the fear and vulnerability of parents.

3. Customs and CBI Fraud: Victims receive fake calls from individuals claiming to be customs or CBI officials. These fraudsters fabricate stories about parcels detained at airports or illegal transactions linked to the victim's Aadhaar card, leading victims to deposit large sums into fraudulent accounts.

4. Loan App Fraud: Fraudsters lure victims with fake loan offers through seemingly legitimate apps. Once downloaded, these apps harvest sensitive data and later use it to extort money by threatening to release morphed photos of the victim to their contacts.

5. Work-from-Home Scams: Fraudsters offer fake work-from-home opportunities, asking for personal details and registration fees. After building trust, they extort money from victims under various pretexts, leaving them financially drained.

6. Travel Booking Scams: Scammers create fake websites for booking hotels and flights, deceiving victims into entering personal and payment information, which is then used for fraudulent transactions.

7. Investment App Fraud: Scammers lure victims into fake investment schemes by initially offering small returns. As victims invest more, they find themselves unable to withdraw funds, leading to significant financial losses.

8. Mule Accounts: Victims are duped into opening bank accounts, which are then used by scammers for illicit transactions, making the victims unknowingly complicit in financial crimes.

9. Fake Government Emails: Fraudsters send emails impersonating law enforcement agencies, accusing recipients of illegal activities like accessing child pornography. Victims are then extorted for money to "resolve" the issue.

10. Accidental Deposits Scam: Scammers claim to have mistakenly deposited money into the victim’s bank account and demand it back under threat of legal action, tricking victims into transferring funds.

11. WhatsApp Video Call Extortion: Victims receive video calls showing a nude woman, with the interaction secretly recorded. Scammers then blackmail victims, threatening to make the video public unless a ransom is paid.

12. Fake Facebook Profiles: Fraudsters create fake profiles to deceive victims into purchasing non-existent goods, often using the guise of military personnel selling items before transfer.

13. Voice Modulation Scams: Scammers use AI to mimic the voices of known contacts, tricking victims into sending money to the fraudsters.

The Assam Police are urging the public to stay vigilant and avoid falling victim to these sophisticated scams. They continue to investigate these cases and work towards bringing the perpetrators to justice.