GUWAHATI: An FIR was lodged against Bhabesh Kalita, the president of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) Assam unit, on Wednesday following an incident of him reportedly unfurling the tricolour upside down on the occasion of 77th Independence Day at the BJP Headquarters in Guwahati.
Talking to G Plus, the Superintendent of Police of Nagaon said, “We have received a complaint against Bhabesh Kalita regarding the wrong unfurling of the Indian Flag and we are investigating the matter further.”
The complaint accuses him of intentionally unfurling the National Flag upside down during the Independence Day celebrations on Tuesday.
The error was rectified shortly after the flag was hoisted, as it became apparent that it had been displayed incorrectly, stated media reports.
The incident has sparked controversy, with numerous individuals criticising Kalita for the mistake on a day that holds immense national significance.