What Makes Video Content So Important For Marketing?

08:20 PM Jun 10, 2024 | Feature Desk


Marketers all around the world are talking about video content and why shouldn’t they, as video content has become the main type of content for marketing these days. More than 80% of businesses worldwide use video content for marketing purposes, which shows that video content is in fact important for marketing and is not all talk only.

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If you are a business owner and you are not using video content, you risk losing potential customers to your competitors who might be using video content for marketing. If this reason alone isn’t enough to compel you, then these points mentioned below that explain why video content is so important for marketing might be able to help you out.

People Love Video Content

To be successful in business, you need to understand your audience's wants and needs and cater to them accordingly. If you aren’t making your audience and customer base happy, you are doing your business wrong. Research has shown that consumers today enjoy and prefer video content over other types of content. When compared to text and image content, video content is preferred by the majority of users.

In recent years, consumer behavior has further changed and now over 90% of people watch more video content compared to a few years ago. This is not only true, consumers even want more video content. This shows how important video content is in marketing to target consumers.

Increases Sales and Revenue

Video content can not only generate more views and shares but it can also increase brand awareness and generate more sales and revenue. Yes, it is true that video content helps boost sales and revenue because surveys show that the majority of people are convinced to buy a product or service after watching a brand’s video.

Moreover, a recent report by Forbes shows that video marketing is the presence of marketing, and marketers who use video content for marketing purposes increase their revenue by around 50% faster than those who don’t use video content. No wonder why more and more businesses are interested in making video content and providing users the option to download for Android and iOS.

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Best Medium for Storytelling

An important aspect of marketing is storytelling and currently, there is no better medium for storytelling than video content. Storytelling is important for marketing because it is more engaging, memorable, and has an emotional appeal. Video content provides you with the perfect medium to not only deliver your message but also build an emotional and psychological image in the minds of potential customers because marketing today is no longer about the stuff that you make but rather about the stories that you tell and how you tell.

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You Can Explain Anything Through a Video

When it comes to explaining a product or service, there is no better option than video content because it combines the power of imagery, text, and audio, and allows you to explain anything in an efficient way. If you have a somewhat complex or sophisticated product or service then there is no better option available for you to explain it to your audience than video content.

Apart from explaining the product or service, you can use video content to showcase your product or educate your audience about certain issues and how they can use VLC for Android to watch most of the content.


Video Content Is Memorable

Almost every marketer these days is able to deliver their message but marketing is not about delivering your message only but also ensuring that your audience retains your message. Fortunately, video content is great at delivering the message as well as ensuring that the audience retains the message. Compared to other types of content, video content simply outperforms them because of how it makes it easy for people to understand and remember a message.

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Video Content Is Popular on Social Media

Social media is the most important marketing tool for any marketer out there and the most prevalent type of content on social media these days is video content. It is a no-brainer to notice how video content has started to dominate social media in the past few years. Whether it is Facebook, YouTube, LinkedIn, or Instagram, video content gets more engagement and shares from users than non-video content.