Wearing Face Masks in Public/ Personal Vehicle Mandatory; Violators to be Penalized

06:38 AM May 14, 2020 | G Plus News

GUWAHATI: Assam Government has taken several measures to tackle the COVID-19 situation in the state.

In a notification issued by the state government, it was notified that anyone found moving around without a face mask shall be liable to pay a fine of Rupees five hundred for the first, second and third offence and the payment of one thousand Rupees for the subsequent offences.

The notifications further clarified:

1. All persons moving for whatsoever purpose and under whatever reason/ authority in public places like street, hospital, office, market etc. must compulsorily wear 3- ply mask or cloth mask. In absence of mask, a gamocha or any other traditionally woven cloth in at least two layers which completely covers the mouth and nose can also be used.

2. No person/ official will attend any meeting/ gathering without wearing masks.

3. Any person moving around in personal/ official/ public vehicle must be wearing masks compulsorily.


4. Any person working at any site/ office/ workplace must wear masks.

5. Masks used by one person shall not be used by any other person.

6. Disposable or single use masks shall be properly disposed of by following due procedure. Cloth masks should be washed properly with soap and hot water and dried, after every single use.
It will be the responsibility of the employer to ensure that his/ her employees wear the 3-ply mask or cloth mask without fail.

Violating of these instructions would be punishable under the section 188 of Indian Penal Code.