GUWAHATI: In a recent announcement, the Guwahati Jal Board has issued an advisory to its consumers residing in areas such as Anil Nagar, Nabin Nagar, and Rajgarh Link Road. The advisory notifies residents that there will be a temporary disruption in the water supply on October 13. This interruption is planned to facilitate essential repair and maintenance work.
While the Guwahati Jal Board acknowledges the potential inconvenience this interruption may cause, they wish to assure consumers that these measures are vital to ensure the continued and efficient provision of water services. The Board has also expressed its regret for any inconvenience that the temporary interruption may bring.
Taking to X, Guwahati Jal Board stated, “We would like to inform our esteemed consumers of DMA 6G2 having areas namely Anil Nagar, Nabin Nagar, Rajgarh link road etc. that water supply will be interrupted on 13.10.2023 due to repairing works. Inconvenience is regretted. Regards GMDW&SB.”