
Patanjali's Ramdev Baba In Exclusive Conversation With GPlus


Swami Ramdev is a well-known yoga guru and businessman in India. He co-founded Patanjali Ayurved and Patanjali Yogpeeth with his colleague Balkrishna in 2006. 


Swami Ramdev visited Guwahati on October 2 for the inauguration of the Patanjali Wellness Centre.

For an episode of Guwahati Connection, GPlus CEO Sidharth Bedi Varma had a conversation with Swami Ramdev, discussing several topics, including the controversies surrounding Patanjali, the benefits of yoga, healthy living, the future of Patanjali in Assam and more.




Sidharth: We welcome you to the show Swamiji.

Ramdev: Assam is a land of leading lights like Shankardev and Madhavdev and also where the presence of Maa Kamakhya's primal energy lies; besides, a river like Brahmaputra. Moreover, whenever I look at the environment of Northeast I get the spectacle of our culture- from Brahma Dharma to Sanatana Dharma-whether it's Shaiv Parampara or Shakt Parampara. I am very proud that I started my service of Ayurveda from the land of Assam and today I have the privilege of presenting Patanjali awareness.


Sidharth: Your relation with Guwahati and Assam is very old. How was this relation established? And how far will you take it?

Ramdev: There was a saint from the Bodo community who used to study at Gurukul Kangri with me. About 32-33 years ago, he brought me to Assam because I often fell sick. There used to be malaria and varied diseases but treatments were rarely available. So we started our service camping from Bhairav Kund near Bhutan border, then we gradually served entire Assam. We used to find medicines on cycle and had no other resources. We took donations from people to make medicines and then we returned back to the people with the medicines. People are very nice here, but we disliked one or two things here, there are people who convert poor people by luring them with money. Some used to run dispensaries, some provide education and people convert them with money, this is not right. That's why we have served the people and that service has given us so much fruit, we have got so much blessings, today we have done our service through yoga, Ayurveda, Swadeshi, Sanatan Dharma and God has made us capable. I'm grateful that I have reached the world from the place where I started my journey.


Sidharth: How do you envision the future of the Patanjali hospital located at Azara in Assam?

Ramdev: Patanjali wellness is our second biggest centre after Haridwar.


Sidharth: What kind of expections of people are fulfilled in the wellness centre?

Ramdev: We are capable of fulfilling most of the expectations in the aspect of health. I have gathered some good people from different states-language isn't a problem at all. We'll treat them like family with lots of love.


Sidharth: There was a big issue regarding Patanjali's advertising and production. What was the actual matter that it went to the Supreme Court?

Ramdev: When the Supreme Court asked me "whats the matter?" I said what allopathy could not do, we have done it. This is all jealousy. I have never lied in my life not just in the aspect of health, education or religion. There’s a medical mafia lobby, some people have so much hatred for yoga, Ayurveda and sanatana dharma. They wonder how could this person dressed in saffron be so successful.


Sidharth: What products are banned by the court?

Swami Ramdev: No bans have been imposed on our products. But people are continuing to spread rumours. We have also published in the newspaper that no Patanjali product has been banned. We have not lied, this was a simple court matter. There are just some twisted laws regarding drugs and remedies.


Sidharth: Could you outline the history of Ayurveda and why is it ahead of any other form of medicines?

Swami Ramdev: There are many adverse effects of allopathy, some are life saving drugs and some are surgeries. We have it as well, so I'm not against these. Basically, I only oppose when the drug or medical mafias feed people poison in disguise of these things. As far as advanced research-based medicine is concerned, we have it as well. Then homeopathy is also safe for people in many diseases, there is no problem. Even I am a propagator of homeopathy; there is no question of any criticism about it, and has no side effects at all. Why Ayurveda is ahead? I will state three main differences; they control the symptoms, we cure the disease and heal the system. They give poisonous medicines, we give nectar of Ayurveda. We have neither side effects nor any complications, and moreover we give targeted medicines and integrated treatments that help in boosting immunity. Man is not a machine, instead we are a body of full consciousness. We can achieve our best health through allopathy or some synthetic medication- is a myth that we have to come out of.


Sidharth: What’s your advice for maintaining good health?

Ramdev: One should start the day with herbal juice and avoid tea or coffee. Most people start their day by putting trash in their body. Our body is not a trash can. So people should eat well and nourish themselves. I always have a spoonful of ghee every morning on empty stomach. It gets digested. You can see my glow. I usually eat one meal a day, at noon, and I will soon start my fasting for fifteen days on coconut water. One can also eat fruits or have juice for breakfast and can have milk in the evening but before 8pm. After which the stomach should be empty for 14-16 hours. Besides, it’s also crucial to stay diligent.


Sidharth: Where should one start yoga from?

Ramdev: Begin with deep breathing exercises, then move to poses like Surya Namaskar, and gradually start incorporating herbs- neem, haldi, etc. into your routine. Moreover, it’s important to connect with nature.


Sidharth: Do you encourage people going to gym?

Ramdev: Going to the gym is great, but yoga is also necessary. All types of physical activities are good, but obsessing over building a specific type of body at the gym is madness. Many gym goers had shorter life spans. So too much of either gym or yoga is not healthy. 


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