Opinion | Preserving Tribal Musical Traditions In Northeast India: Can American Country Music Be A Tool?

03:24 PM Jul 13, 2024 | Phowltha Seltun


The complex relationship between music and the environment, and, more broadly, society, is the subject of many scientific papers. The connection is particularly interesting to researchers in regions whose socio-cultural conditions are rapidly changing. Northeast (NE) India, due to its multifaceted cultural background and tumultuous dynamic history, is a good example of the area for studying the relationship between music and society. In this context, the subject of ‘American Country Music’ is a noteworthy phenomenon that deserves careful examination.

NE - India is known for its rich musical diversity, which encompasses various international influences that are seamlessly woven into its vibrant cultural fabric. Despite this, American Country Music – ACM, holds a special place in the region due to its close resonance with traditions.

From a historical perspective, the enduring popularity of AmericanCountry Christian hymns and Irish-style songs in NE India highlights the deep-rooted connection and enduring affinity for these musical genres, shedding light on their significant presence in the region. This observation sheds light on the potential role of these musical genre’s in navigating the intersections between tradition, modernity, and sustainable socio-economic development.

Historical Foundations

The trajectory of ACM introduction to NE India is rooted in the diffusion of missionary hymns during the colonial era. These hymns, known for their simplicity and emotional resonance, paved the way for the incorporation of ACM distinctive ‘three-chord and the truth’ patterns into NE musical traditions.

The context not only frames the development of ACM in NE India but also reveals the region's interaction with global cultural influences and its ability to creatively adapt and reinterpret. The influence of traditional ACM tunes, particularly those of Jim Reeves, and Don Williams has been noteworthy, resonating deeply with local audiences through their gentle baritone and emotive musical approach.

Cultural Parallels

Central to the assimilation of ACM within the socio-cultural milieu of Northeast India are the striking parallels between the landscapes and living styles of the region and those of the American countryside. The lush mountains, pure agrarian landscapes and tight communities of NE India bring forth similar images to the countryside and the country lifestyles of ACM narratives.Notably, Billy Graham a renowned preacher, during his visit to Nagaland, Graham drew comparisons between the hills of Nagaland and those of his homeland North Carolina.

This symbolic convergence serves to deepen the emotions, fostering a sense of cultural affinity and shared experiences that transcend geographical boundaries.

In addition, the state's attachment to its traditional folk melodies, exemplified by the celebrated national awardee Guru RewbenMashangva, and the influence of artists like Bob Dylan—evidenced by figures such as the great Lou Majaw, a Dr. Bhupen Hazarika awardee in 2016 and an enthusiast of Bob Dylan and traditional ACM, along with cafes named after Bob Dylan in Meghalaya—underscore the profound connection between local musical traditions and ACM. This connection underscores the genre's role as a cultural bridge, and fostering a sense of belonging and cultural continuity amidst social transformations.

One needs to remember that folk and country music are often seen as musical siblings due to their shared origins, similar instruments, and storytelling styles. Both genres emerged from the experiences and stories of ordinary people, capturing the essence of their lives, struggles, and celebrations.

Socio-Cultural Implications and Prospects

Among various international genres, including both Western and emerging Eastern genres, ACM stands out as uniquely resonant with the ethos of Northeast India. ACM rooted in the ethos of "three chords and the truth," holds profound socio-cultural implications for Northeast India as it grapples with the challenges of tradition versus modernity. While we cannot remain isolated from globalization in the name of modernity, we can adopt approaches that balance development with the safeguarding of indigenous traditions. Thus, country music serves as a valuable tool if welcoming international genres is a consideration.

In the face of socio-economic challenges stemming from rapid urbanization and cultural homogenization, ACM emerges as a powerful catalyst for cultural preservation and revitalization. The genre’s diverse themes ranging from - love, relationships, life experiences, freedom, nostalgia, faith, work ethics, patriotism, humour, roots, respect for elders, wisdom, values, morals, and love for nature—resonate deeply with the socio-cultural ethos and stance of the NE people. These themes offer a narrative framework through which to negotiate identity politics and envision alternative pathways for sustainable socio-economic development.

Notably, in a rapidly changing world like America, country music promotes resilience in the face of societal and cultural transformations. Therefore, such integration into the cultural composition of NE India could also serve as effective tools for sustainable development and the preservation of the region's rich cultural heritage.

Indeed, the burgeoning community of country music listeners in Northeast India underscores the genre's growing resonance within the region. Recently, there has been a steady increase in the number of country music fans, congregating at local music events, festivals, bars, cafes and online platforms. This burgeoning listenership not only reflects the genre's expanding popularity but also points to its potential as a catalyst for socio-cultural cohesion and artistic innovation within NE India.

Given this welcoming attitude, promoting a love for country music should be further encouraged. This would create a win-win situation, blending traditional folk genres with country music to enrich the musical region's cultural landscape while safeguarding tribal traditions. However, external musical influences can profoundly alter one's identity and behaviour. Therefore, careful consideration is needed when embracing any international genres.

The genre's close affinity to the region's roots and its ability to adapt and thrive make it an important subject for further academic exploration. But the question stands, can it be a tool?

(The author is a Ph.D research scholar at RGU. All views and opinions expressed are the author’s own.)