
Opinion | Healthcare Access And LGBTQIA+ Community In Assam


Health is rightly termed as the wealth of the people. Health is a primary contributing factor in the overall development of human being. It is an important aspect of development index. Without a sound mental and physical health health one cannot lead a productive life. Health is an integral part in everyone’s life. To ensure a sound mental and physical health among the masses, health communication plays a vital role.

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According to the Healthy People (2010), “Health communication encompasses the study and use of communication strategies to inform and influence individual and community decisions that enhance health. It links the domains of communication and health and is increasingly recognized as a necessary element of efforts to improve personal and public health.”

Effective health communication can help raise awareness and provide effective information to prevent or cure a disease. Schiavo, in the book Health Communication: From Theory to Practice mentions that the primary objective of health communication is to influence individuals and communities with the primary aim to improve health conditions by sharing health related information. The process of health communication aims to improve health outcomes with different communication strategies which encourage behaviour and social change. Effective health communication can help people adapt healthy lifestyle choices. With the emergence of digital media, there has been a significant change in the field of health communication. In today’s time and era , digital media is an effective health communication tool to disseminate information, education, and knowledge about health. Digital media plays an essential role in changing how people perceive and understand health information disseminated to them.

Despite advances in healthcare facilities and quick access to healthcare, there exists a huge gap in the field of health among men, women and other genders. Gender is an important factor when it comes to discussing health disparities. Gender norms often rooted to age old cultural and social belief systems often results to health differences in terms of awareness, treatment availability and behavioural changes regarding health issues. The lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, intersex, asexual and other community has been facing health inequalities since a long time. Even though access to health care and leading a healthy life is one of the basic human rights availed to every human being, yet members of the LGBTQIA+ community face various health diaparities.

Neville & Henrickson, in their research work mentions that  the LGBTQIA+ community shows increased risk for depression, anxiety disorders, substance abuse, suicidal ideation and attempts generalized anxiety disorder, and substance abuse.

In the book, The Health of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender People Building a Foundation for Better Understanding (2011), mentions, “Although the acronym LGBT is used as an umbrella term, and the health needs of this community are often grouped together, each of these letters represents a distinct population with its own health concerns. Furthermore, among lesbians, gay men, bisexual men and women, and transgender people, there are subpopulations based on race, ethnicity, socioeconomic status, geographic location, age, and other factors. Although a modest body of knowledge on LGBT health has been developed, these populations, stigmatized as sexual

and gender minorities, have been the subject of relatively little health research.”

The LGBTQIA+ community in Assam faces additional challenges due to the state's more conservative social environment compared to other regions of India. Several factors contribute to their poorer health status. Firstly, there are fewer established LGBTQIA+ organizations in Assam than in other Indian states, resulting in reduced access to peer support networks and community-driven healthcare initiatives. Secondly, awareness of LGBTQIA+ issues and their specific health needs is generally lower in Assam compared to other parts of the country. Lastly, intersectionality plays a crucial role, as many LGBTQIA+ individuals in Assam also belong to marginalized communities based on caste, religion, or socioeconomic status, which further restricts their access to healthcare services.

Assam currently does not have any health schemes specifically designed for the LGBTQIA+ community. However, some initiatives offer such as ,Assam State AIDS Control Society (ASACS,1998): Similar to the NACP, ASACS provides free ART and related services for HIV/AIDS patients in the state.  There also exists few NGOs and community-based organizations work towards raising awareness about LGBTQIA+ health issues among healthcare providers and the community.

In such situation where people are far behind in socially accepting the LGBTQIA+ community, providing healthcare and specifically offering health schemes to the community seems like a distant dream. Khandelwal,(2023) writing about the state of LGBTQIA+ community in Assam mentions “The absence of familial and societal acceptance of LGBT people continues to be a serious problem. Many people experience rejection, prejudice, and even violence as a result of their sexual orientation or gender identity. Increased incidence of mental health problems, such as sadness and anxiety, are caused by this lack of support. Furthermore, social preconceptions and stereotypes contribute to a cycle of marginalisation and prevent gay people from fully participating in society, especially in healthcare, work, and education.”

The main barrier preventing LGBTQIA+ individuals from seeking healthcare specifically in Assam is the concern about social acceptance. In addition to addressing this fear, there is a critical need for health communication strategies that deliver personalized health messages, improve patient care, and raise awareness. Strategic health communication has the potential to influence social behaviors within the LGBTQIA+ community as well as among the broader society. By targeting health communication efforts towards the LGBTQIA+ community, it is possible to combat social stereotypes directed at this community and promote understanding among all members of society.

Effective health communication strategies, using the new media platform can bring a significant change in the healthcare scenario among the LGBTQIA+ members in the state of Assam. Today when we all devote maximum time of the day into social media, heath access through these platforms can be effective keeping in mind the providing authentic sources for online healthcare access. Effective health communication can help bring change in behaviour, it can also help break social stigmas in relation to health and also create awareness about the LGBTQIA+ community .

Health communication can bridge the health gap towards the minor LGBTQIA+ members and help them avail their basic human right of right to access of healthcare.

Strategic health communication can play a crucial role in establishing support networks and promoting community-based healthcare initiatives tailored to LGBTQIA+ individuals in Assam. These efforts aim to raise awareness and visibility of LGBTQIA+ health concerns, empowering individuals to access healthcare services confidently, free from fear of prejudice or discrimination.

Addressing the healthcare needs of Assam's LGBTQIA+ community through effective health communication is vital for advancing health equity and enhancing overall well-being. This approach encompasses not just education but also advocacy for policies and practices that foster inclusivity and uphold diversity in healthcare provision. By providing healthcare facilities among the community, understanding and acceptance within healthcare settings and society, these initiatives can create a more supportive environment where LGBTQIA+ individuals can receive the care they need with dignity and respect as health is a human right we all irrespective of gender is entitled to.


(All thoughts and views expressed are the author’s own.)

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