How To Manage Time For A Better Work-Life Balance?

08:07 PM Jun 10, 2024 | Feature Desk


Achieving work-life balance has become more challenging than ever for most individuals out there. The advent of modern-day technology has made our lives easier and more convenient but it has also made our lives more busier. Most people are so involved in their jobs and work that they don’t have enough time for their personal life. For many people, work-life balance is a very important factor but still they are unable to achieve it.

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Out of the various factors that affect work-life balance, a very important factor is time management or the way we use our time at work. Individuals who are good at managing time are able to lead a much better and happy life compared to those who don’t. These people are known to manage their time in a much better way, which ultimately allows them to achieve a better work-life balance. Achieving a work-life balance isn’t that hard if you manage your time right and here are some ways by which you can manage your time for a better work-life balance.


Plan Ahead and Prioritize

The first thing to do to manage your time in a better way is to start every day with a plan for how you will spend your work hours. This can be done by creating a list of all the items and things that you need to do throughout the day along with specifying the time to finish each task. You can use a mobile application or pen and paper to make a list but make sure that you determine the time that you will spend on each activity. You can also do this each night before going to bed.

Just make sure that you prioritize the most important tasks first followed by less important ones. While creating a to-do list, set a time limit for each task and you will be amazed by how much you can achieve in a single day simply by following the list and doing everything on time.


Block Distractions and Interruptions

While at work, you will find multiple sources of distractions that can keep you distracted from work but to manage your time in a better way and achieve a good work-life balance, minimize as many distractions as you can. Whether it is social media notifications, incoming emails, or small talk with colleagues, make sure that you minimize interruptions and distractions as much as you can to maximize your productivity and efficiency.


You can start by identifying the things that distract you at work and make an effort to avoid those things. By blocking out interruptions, you can carry out your work in a much better and more efficient way, allowing you to enjoy a better work-life balance. 

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Delegate Tasks

If you are trying to do everything on your own, you will not be able to enjoy a better work-life balance. No matter how productive and efficient you are, if you are doing everything on your own, you will be overwhelmed and won’t have time for yourself or your time. Instead of doing everything on your own, try delegating tasks whenever possible.

By delegating tasks to a team member or colleague, you can focus on more important tasks and let your team members or colleagues handle the less important ones. This can allow you to be a master of your time, manage your time in a much better way without getting overwhelmed, and follow the prayer schedules accurately.

Take Regular Breaks

No matter how many tasks you have to get done throughout the day or how long your to-do list is, remember to take breaks after every few hours. Keep in mind that you are not a robot and you need frequent breaks to refresh your mind and reenergize yourself. If you are not taking regular short breaks, you may feel overwhelmed and mentally exhausted after a while. You may not know it but a few minutes of mental breaks throughout the day can reenergize you.

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Avoid Excess Overtime

Lastly, avoid excess overtime. Putting in excess hours at work doesn’t always mean that you are more productive or efficient, it can also mean that you are poor at handling tasks within the given time frame throughout the day. Plus, excess overtime can really overwhelm you and prevent you from enjoying your life. Make sure that you avoid excess overtime, leave your office on time, relax, and spend some hours with your friends or family to have a good time.