Here Are Some Tips To Manage Seizures On National Epilepsy Day 

03:14 PM Nov 17, 2023 | G Plus News


On the occasion of National Epilepsy Day observed on November 17, MyGov Assam has shared valuable tips on dealing with seizures, emphasising that while epilepsy may not have a cure, it can be effectively managed.

The tips provided aim to educate individuals on how to respond during a seizure:
1.    Do not panic
2.    Do not try to restrain the person
3.    Remove harmful objects
4.    Loosen tight neck wear
5.    Gently roll the person onto one side
6.    Place something soft under the head
7.    Do not insert anything into the person's mouth
8.    Stay with the person until medical help arrives
9.    Allow the person to rest or sleep

These guidelines, sourced from the National Health Portal, serve as valuable insights for individuals who may find themselves in a situation where someone is experiencing a seizure. National Epilepsy Day serves as a reminder to raise awareness about epilepsy and promote understanding and support for those living with the condition.