GUWAHATI: The Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) has filed a chargesheet against five accused individuals in connection with the looting of arms and ammunition from Manipur Police Training College (MPTC), Pangei, Imphal. The chargesheet was presented before the Court of Chief Judicial Magistrate, Kamrup (Metro), Guwahati, Assam.
The case, registered on June 9, 2023, pertains to the incident that occurred on May 4, 2023, when a mob allegedly stormed the MPTC Pangei complex during an ethnic conflict in Manipur. The miscreants reportedly seized a substantial quantity of arms and ammunition from the MPTC armoury.
The CBI took over the investigation based on the FIR No. 54(5)2023 dated May 4, 2023, registered at Heingang Police Station, Imphal East, following notifications issued by the Manipur Government and the Government of India. The CBI emphasized that the findings are based on their diligent investigation and the evidence collected.
The CBI continues its further investigation into the arms and ammunition looting case.