ASTC Hires 20 Women Bus Conductors To Serve In Guwahati 

01:09 PM Feb 27, 2024 | Tina Choudhury


GUWAHATI: Breaking gender stereotypes, the Assam State Transport Corporation (ASTC) has made a progressive move by hiring 20 women as bus conductors to serve in Guwahati. This initiative challenges traditional norms, as these women step into roles that were conventionally dominated by men. 

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The recruitment of these women bus conductors is part of ASTC's efforts to promote gender equality and provide equal job opportunities for women. RV Enterprise, responsible for allocating bus conductors and drivers, has facilitated this move. 

Speaking to GPlus, a senior official from ASTC said, "Initially, 20 lady conductors have been engaged to serve in Tata electric vehicles (EVs). Currently, 10 bus conductors are actively serving in our buses, while the remaining 10 are undergoing training." 

"It’s in TATA EVs run by a private firm under ASTC. ASTC directly doesn’t hire as the operations are leased out," the official further added.

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Another senior ASTC official talking to GPlus added, "Many other states have already embraced the inclusion of women conductors, so why should our women be deprived of equal rights? If this initiative proves successful, we plan to hire more women conductors in the future."