
Assam: Master Plan For Around 85 Towns Completed


Out of 104, including Guwahati, master plan preparation for around 85 notified towns are already completed and rest are awaiting approvals.

ALSO READ: LiDAR Survey For Master Plan Done In 12 Towns Of Assam

A source in the directorate of town and country planning said, “Master plans for 65 towns are approved and are published, 20 master plans are in publishing process after government approval,” adding that the rest are almost completed and are almost awaiting approval.

There are 104 notified towns in Assam, including Guwahati, but because Guwahati is a capital and metro city, there are individual authorities like GMC and GMDA working on the city’s development and master plan is prepared accordingly, said the source.

In all the master plans the main focus was on the extension of the towns, said the source.

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