
6 Strategies To Build Hype Around Your Mobile App


After you have developed a new mobile application, it is important that you spend your time, money, and resources on marketing the app because if you don’t do so, your app won’t reach its intended audience and won’t be able to make that big of an impact in the market. No matter how famous or popular an app is, marketing is always essential to ensure that the app gets the audience and customer base that it deserves.

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Among marketing, one of the things that you can do to ensure that your app becomes a success is to build hype around your app and get people excited about your new application. Building hype is what most people do and here are some strategies by which you can build hype around your mobile app.


Use Influencer Marketing

Influencer marketing is a proven method by which you can build hype around your mobile app. It is a powerful way by which you can showcase your new mobile app to a huge audience. Brands all over the world are using influencer marketing for various purposes including showcasing their new products.

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You can work with an influencer and ask them to share positive experiences about your app, highlight the important features of the app on various chat platforms, generate content related to the app, and convince them to try the app. In


Develop a Trending Challenge Related to Your App

Another strategy that is quite helpful in building hype around your mobile app is to develop a trending challenge related to your mobile app. If you are creative enough and can come up with a trending challenge, it can make your mobile app even more popular and build a lot of excitement around your app. The reason why this method is so effective in getting people excited is that people love to see and use something that is new and trendy.


Limit the Number of Installers or Members

To build hype around your app and make it more exciting, you can consider limiting the number of installers or members before the launch. People these days value exclusive things more than things that are available all the time. By limiting your membership at first, you can grab everyone’s attention and compel them to try your app as soon as it comes out.


Host Giveaways

Giveaways have always been a great way to get your audience or people involved in something and you can use giveaways to get people excited about your new app and website. If you have multiple applications available, you can provide an exclusive incentive or in-app content to your existing users from other applications after they pre-register for your app or try your app. By making them download your app in exchange for a unique incentive, you are getting your existing users excited about your new app.


Have a Dedicated Pre-Launch Landing Page

Having a dedicated pre-launch landing page for your mobile app is also important because it can not only showcase your app but also tell the users about the benefits, cool features, and uniqueness of your mobile app. This approach is taken by many mobile game developers and a dedicated pre-launch landing page enables them to hype their mobile game more and more, which keeps their audience excited and compels them to try the new game as soon as it launches.

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Offer Special App-Only Offers

Offering special app-only offers is another great way to build hype around your app and make people try out your new app. You can special offers and benefits for your mobile app users so that it compels more and more users to try out your app. For e-commerce websites and businesses, it is a great approach because it makes users interested in downloading the app to avail the special offers.



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