
Over ₹34 Lakh Fake Currency Seized In Guwahati; 2 Arrested


GUWAHATI: An East Guwahati Police District (EGPD) team of the Guwahati Police seized Fake Indian Currency Notes (FICN) worth over ₹34 lakh and arrested two suspects in connection with the seizure. 

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A team from Dispur Police Station (PS) seized the large cache and arrested the suspects, Hiramul Islam (24) from Bihpuria and Nazirul Islam (19) from Laluk, who were traveling in a vehicle when they were intercepted. Upon inspection, the police discovered FICN amounting to ₹34,09,000, all in ₹500 denominations.

In addition to the counterfeit notes, the team also seized a fake piece of gold from the suspects' vehicle. Legal action has been initiated against the accused.

ALSO READ: Fake Currency Worth Rs 3.5 Lakh Seized In Guwahati, Three Arrested 

Meanwhile, the city police also recovered and returned lost mobile phones to their owners. A Central Guwahati Police District (CGPD) team from Chandmari Police Station located and returned two lost mobile phones to their owners, Moon Barman and Suraj Joseph Yadav, residents of Milanpur, who had reported their phones missing.

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