
Operation Conducted To Address Milk Adulteration Concerns In Guwahati


Guwahati: In a coordinated effort between the Health and Family Welfare Department and the Food Safety Department of the Assam government, a joint operation was conducted to address the issue of adulterated milk being sold in the city of Guwahati on Monday.

Reports about milk adulteration in the city had been circulating for some time, prompting the authorities to take action and ensure the quality of milk available to consumers.

Under this operation, officials meticulously collected samples of milk from various sellers across different areas of Guwahati. Key locations included the Fancy Bazar and Kumarpara areas, which were identified as potential sources of adulterated milk. These samples were obtained as evidence to be subjected to thorough testing.

A representative from the Health Department disclosed that the collected milk samples had been promptly dispatched to the laboratory of the food safety department. This laboratory is equipped to conduct comprehensive tests to identify any potential adulteration or contamination present in the milk samples. The results of these tests are anticipated to be available within a period of 14 days.

The Health Department official emphasised the necessity of this drive, citing the increasing demand for milk in Guwahati as a contributing factor. The operation aims to ascertain whether the milk being sold to consumers meets the required quality standards and is free from adulteration. The official expressed the importance of consumer well-being and highlighted the department's ongoing commitment to safeguarding public health.

With the milk samples now in the hands of the food safety department's laboratory, analysts and experts will commence rigorous testing procedures to assess the integrity of the collected samples. The findings of these tests, which will be released within the next 14 days, will shed light on the prevalence of adulterated milk and assist in formulating appropriate measures to combat this issue.

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