
New Criminal Laws For Offences Against Women To Be Implemented From July 1


GUWAHATI: New police laws are to be introduced in India with Assam police organising a workshop on Tuesday, BNS replacing IPC, BNSS replacing CRPC, and BSA replacing IEA, which will come into force on July 1, 2024. Offences against women and children now have a dedicated chapter in BNS, indicating a shift in priority towards protecting vulnerable citizens. [CHAPTER V BNS]

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- Death Penalty for Gang Rape: Highest punishment of death has been declared for all gang rape cases against minor girls, expanding the previous IPC provision which was limited to victims under 12 years of age. [SECTION 70 BNS]
- Expedited POCSO Cases: Maximum of 2 months fixed for investigation and filing of chargesheet in POCSO cases to ensure faster justice. [SECTION 193 BNSS]

- New Offence Category: Sexual intercourse by deceitful means, such as inducement of employment, marriage under false pretenses, or identity suppression, now punishable by up to 10 years. [SECTION 69 BNS]

- Zero FIR and E-FIR: Introduction of Zero FIR and E-FIR allows women to report crimes without jurisdiction concerns and without visiting a police station, reducing stigma and hesitation. [SECTION 173 BNSS]

- Age of Consent Raised: The age of consent for married women increased from 15 to 18 years, making marital rape of minor wives punishable as rape. [SECTION 63 BNS]

- Female Magistrate Preference: Preferably, a female magistrate will record statements of rape victims, who also have the right to cross-examine the accused. [SECTION 183 BNSS]

- Audio-Video Trials: Trials can now be conducted through audio-video means, providing a safer environment for female victims to give statements without fear of victimisation. [SECTION 265, 266 BNSS]

- Voyeurism Offence Expanded: Females can now be booked for committing voyeurism, not just men. [SECTION 77 BNS]

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