Gold of 99.9 per cent purity rose ₹200 to ₹83,100 per 10 grams, surpassing Thursday’s closing price of ₹82,900. Similarly, gold of 99.5 per cent purity also climbed ₹200, reaching ₹82,700 per 10 grams from ₹82,500 in the previous session
GUWAHATI: Gold prices continued their record-breaking rally for the eighth consecutive session on Friday, January 24, breaching the psychological ₹83,000 mark per 10 grams in the national capital.
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Aggressive buying, spurred by global market uncertainties, drove the price of the yellow metal to an all-time high.
Gold of 99.9 per cent purity rose ₹200 to ₹83,100 per 10 grams, surpassing Thursday’s closing price of ₹82,900. Similarly, gold of 99.5 per cent purity also climbed ₹200, reaching ₹82,700 per 10 grams from ₹82,500 in the previous session.
Saumil Gandhi, Senior Analyst of Commodities at HDFC Securities, attributed the ongoing bullish momentum to global economic uncertainties, including concerns over potential US tariff policies following the return of Donald Trump as President. “Gold extended gains on Friday, with spot gold in the domestic market hitting fresh all-time highs. Safe-haven buying has surged due to these uncertainties,” Gandhi explained.
Silver prices also witnessed growth, rising ₹500 to ₹94,000 per kilogram, compared to ₹93,500 in the previous session.