
Fun Facts you didn’t know about Valentine’s Day

Red roses, red dresses and red hearts and now even red-hearted emojis. Valentine’s Day is almost here. Every year on February 14, people all over the world celebrate Valentine’s Day with their loved ones. People exchange chocolates, flowers and gifts to celebrate their love. Below are some fun facts you probably didn’t know about this holiday.

1. The legend of Valentine

Valentine was a saint who served during the third century in Rome. When the emperor of the time, Claudius II decided that single men were better soldiers, he made marriage unlawful for young men. Valentine realized this injustice and went behind the emperor’s back and still continued to perform marriages for young lovers in secret. When the emperor found out, he ordered for Valentine to be put to death. Also, 2 other saints of the same name were put to death and it is presumed that the Saint Valentine we know today is a mixture of all three of those saints.

2. Extended celebrations in South Korea

With love in the air, celebrating Valentine’s Day on a brisk February evening did not suffice for the people of South Korea. Thus, they now celebrate the festival on the 14thof the following two months. And keeping to proper gender norms, on February 14, women shower their men with love, affection and gifts while the men return the favor on March 14.

3. Banned in Pakistan 

Our neighbouring country, Pakistan has banned their media from covering Valentine’s Day-related celebrations since they say it goes against the teachings of Islam, the country’s state religion.

4. Friends Day in Finland

Called ‘Ystävänpäivä’ in Finland, this day of love is celebrated with ones’ buddies instead of their significant others. It is more of a celebration of love with friends and of friendship.

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