
Enforcing Calm: CCTV Cameras And Road Rage Prevention


On October 2, 2024, as the nation commemorated Mahatma Gandhi's birth anniversary, honouring his legacy of utilizing non-violent means to advocate for rights, I was profoundly disturbed by a distressing news report of road violence that occurred in Jorabat area, just outskirts of Guwahati city. The aftermath of this incident has left me shaken, not merely due to the loss of an innocent life, but also the glaring inadequacies in infrastructure that could have mitigated the tragedy. As further details about the incident come to light, I am particularly concerned about the non-implementation of CCTV cameras in the Jorabat area by concerned government authorities,  a high-traffic zone frequently visited by truckers, and also the incident area being in close proximity to Jorabat Police Station, highlighting potential gaps that could have been addressed proactively, to prevent such incidents.I infer that inadequate surveillance cameras led to a significant delay, stressing the importance of bolstering traffic surveillance infrastructure to counter the rising threat of road rage.

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Given the alarming nature of this purported road rage incident, a meticulous probe into the worsening phenomenon of road rage and its lethal outcomes is warranted. Once mere pathways to destinations, roads have become arenas of conflict, fueled by stress, impatience, and anger, culminating in hazardous interactions. Road rage has transcended episodic outbursts of frustration, posing a dire threat to public safety, often culminating in violence, accidents, and, in the most tragic cases, loss of life. The importance of CCTV surveillance in combating road rage cannot be emphasised enough, functioning as both deterrent and protective measure, maintaining constant vigilance over our roads. A detailed exposition on this subject has been compiled for broader understanding.


The issue of road accidents has assumed critical proportions in India, with a notable escalation in incidents over the past few years. As per the Union Ministry of Road Transport and Highways' report 'Road Accidents in India - 2022', India recorded 4,61,312 accidents, resulting in 1,68,491 deaths and 4,43,366 injuries in 2022. The report underscores an 11.9 percent and 9.4 percent increase in road accidents and fatalities, respectively, compared to the preceding year. To note, these are only the reported cases; the real numbers could be more.In a website report, a nationwide survey in India's urban centers discovered that over 60% of drivers reported feelings of anger while driving, with nearly 30% confessing to aggressive reactions. The National Crime Records Bureau's statistics show a 7% annual surge in incidents linked to road rage and aggressive driving, emphasizing the necessity for swift intervention. (Source : https://evolvedsystem.com)


What Causes Road Rage?


Understanding the connection between anger and driving is crucial. Here, we will discuss the possible causes of driver aggression and irritability on the road.

·   Environmental Factors

Road rage is significantly exacerbated by external environmental factors. Heavy traffic is a leading contributor, causing driver frustration and irritability due to delays. Poor driving behaviors, such as tailgating, slow speeds, improper overtaking, and erratic lane changes, also trigger aggressive driving. Moreover, observing distracted driving, including phone usage, heightens anger and hostility towards irresponsible drivers.


·   Psychological Factors

Drivers exhibiting road rage are often influenced by psychological factors tied to their personality. Traits like aggression and impatience heighten susceptibility to road rage, leading to erratic behavior when faced with minor annoyances. These individuals prioritise their own schedule and importance over others. Moreover, unresolved anger or stress can manifest as aggressive driving. The perceived anonymity of driving fosters an environment where drivers feel comfortable expressing anger without fear of personal consequences or accountability to other road users.


Importance of CCTV surveillance in combating road rage:


The emergence of innovative technologies to track driver behavior presents a promising solution to this challenge. As a vital element of public infrastructure, CCTV traffic cameras supply real-time video information, support timely police interventions, oversee traffic and transportation movement, and offer multiple benefits. The fundamental purpose of traffic surveillance cameras is to make public transportation more secure and foster intelligent road systems for drivers and pedestrians.


While I am not a technical authority on this subject, the value of leveraging CCTVs to track traffic movement and capture hazardous driving practices is undeniable. Highlighting the significance of CCTV cameras in traffic management and exploring the diverse range of camera options for ensuring transportation security in major cities worldwide is of paramount importance. My article devotes considerable attention to the application of CCTVs in traffic surveillance, stressing the imperative of implementing this infrastructure across the board, particularly in Assam's key urban centers.


Advanced camera technologies allow traffic surveillance systems to optimise traffic management and safety. These systems utilise CCTV to monitor and capture detailed road images, identify violations, and compile evidence for accident investigations, ultimately enhancing public transportation safety.


Different types of CCTV used for Traffic and Transportation Safety:


During my visits to prominent global cities, including Melbourne, Sydney, Johannesburg, and Capetown, I observed notable variations in traffic cameras installed at intersections and roads. Although these CCTV cameras collectively monitor road activity, they serve distinct purposes.


Here are some of the most popular kinds of traffic cameras that are used across the world:


·   Red Light Cameras

To enforce traffic regulations and promote road safety, red light cameras are installed at key intersections. These motion-activated devices capture images and videos to detect speeding through red lights, resulting in fines and license penalties. Such footages are reviewed by a specialised monitoring team to confirm infractions. Upon verification, offenders are issued fines and incur severe penalties on their licenses.


·   Speed Cameras

Speed cameras employ detectors embedded in the road or radar technology to measure vehicle speeds, contingent upon the camera's design. Some cameras are equipped with supplementary features to monitor traffic lights and intersections, identifying instances of center line crossing or red light infringement. Activation occurs when a vehicle surpasses the speed limit or disregards a red light, prompting the camera to capture an image detailing the vehicle's characteristics, including color, type, make, and license plate number, with potential facial recognition if positioned optimally.


·   License Plate Recognition Cameras

LPR camera systems incorporate high-definition cameras positioned to optimise license plate visibility. As vehicles pass, high-resolution images are captured and transmitted to a server or cloud platform for Optical Character Recognition (OCR) analysis, converting images into text. This text is then cross-checked with license plate databases, including blacklists and whitelists, to flag vehicles of interest. Depending on the outcome, the system can initiate actions such as toll gate control, alerts, or report compilation.


Security cameras can give information in real time which are very helpful for responding to incidents. When there is an accident or other traffic and transportation problem, the live feed from the cameras lets traffic control centers call for help right away. This quick reaction can help get medical assistance, to people who are hurt, quickly and clear the scene of the accident from the road so thattraffic can flow normally again. CCTV cameras are very important for improving driver behavior because they make people more likely to follow traffic and transportation rules and drive more safely. When drivers know they are being watched, they are less likely to do dangerous things like speeding, running red lights, or talking on their phones while driving.


Legal and Ethical Considerations for Installing CCTV Cameras


The utilization of CCTV cameras for traffic and transportation management necessitates addressing various legal and ethical concerns to ensure their responsible and effective deployment. A primary concern is privacy, as surveillance cameras continually record individuals' actions, potentially infringing on their right to anonymity. To safeguard collected data, stringent security protocols must be implemented, restricting access to authorised personnel and establishing clear guidelines for data retention and disposal. Compliance with local regulations governing surveillance technology is paramount, including obtaining requisite licenses, assessing potential impacts, and conducting regular audits to ensure adherence to legal and societal expectations.


Countering Road Rage:


Countering road rage is like steering a ship through stormy seas; staying calm at the helm is essential to avoid crashing into the rocks of conflict. Navigating crowded roads requires seeing beyond the fog of frustration, recognizing that mistakes are like errant gusts of wind. Instead of fighting them, you adjust your sails, accepting that every driver is navigating their own course. When met with hostility, it's wiser to let the storm pass. Engaging with aggressive drivers is like fanning the flames of a wildfire—better to keep your distance and avoid getting burned. Cities that enforce traffic laws are like well-maintained harbours, where vigilant watchmen ensure that ships dock without incident. Awareness campaigns act as lighthouses, guiding new and seasoned sailors alike, reminding them to steer clear of the dangerous reefs of road rage. Dashcams on cars and navigation apps are the lookouts, perched on the crow’s nest, watching for errant vessels or a brewing traffic congestion that might potentially house road rage environment.


Tackling road rage requires a collective effort. The integration of strict enforcement, public awareness, and personal responsibility can pave the way for safer and more harmonious roads. Each driver's commitment to maintaining calm and courtesy on the road is a step towards reducing the alarming statistics of road rage in India.

(All thoughts and views expressed are the author’s own.)

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