
WATCH | How To Extract Venom From Snakes

GUWAHATI: The Irula Snake Catchers Co-operative Society in Tamil Nadu is one of the largest anti-venom snake catcher cooperatives in the country. They capture snakes and extract their venom, which is used for anti-venom treatment.

During a tour conducted by PIB, experts demonstrate how they carefully extract venom from snakes.

The venom is then used by the pharmaceutical companies to produce anti-venoms, a life-saving medication that neutralises snake venom and prevents it from causing harm to humans.

The Irula Snake Catchers Co-operative Society plays a crucial role in protecting the lives of millions of people in India and beyond.

Their dedication and expertise in snake handling and venom extraction have saved countless lives.

Watch this detailed video to learn more about the fascinating work of these snake catchers and the vital role they play in protecting human health. 

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