SEBA And AHSEC Merger, What Lies Ahead?

04:45 PM Nov 25, 2023 | Tina Choudhury


On November 16, the Assam government declared that the Class 10 and Class 12 boards, namely the Board of Secondary Education Assam (SEBA) and the Assam Higher Secondary Education Council (AHSEC), will merge to form the Assam State School Education Board (ASSEB).

The merger, initially proposed in June 2023, is aimed at enhancing the regulation and supervision of school education standards and quality, according to an official statement.


Despite the official announcement about the merger, uncertainties loom over the functioning of the new ASSEB.

Speaking to GPlus, a senior SEBA official stated, "The name has been decided, but the guidelines will be shared only after the assembly." The lack of received guidelines adds to the ambiguity surrounding the operations of ASSEB.

With approximately 200 staff members in the AHSEC council, the merger poses organisational challenges.

Once merged, there will be a single chairperson of ASSEB, overseeing both boards, with the existing chairperson designated as a vice-chairperson.

The restructuring reflects the evolving educational landscape, in responding to the implementation of the National Education Policy (NEP) 2020.

In the context of NEP 2020, a senior AHSEC official underscored the paradigm shift introduced by the 9 to 12 concept.

Speaking to GPlus, a senior official of AHSEC stated, "With the adoption of NEP 2020, the introduction of the 9 to 12 educational concept has been implemented."

Emphasising the incorporation of the National Curriculum Framework (NCF), launched on October 20, 2022, the official highlighted its significance in aligning with NEP 2020 principles.

The NCF, crafted with global insights from neurosciences and cognitive sciences, aims to ensure the highest quality education for all children.

A critical aspect of the NCF is its focus on the Foundational Stage, spanning the first eight years of a child's life.

This stage accentuates the use of the mother tongue as the primary medium of instruction, aligning with the principles of equity, inclusivity, and pluralism laid out in NEP 2020.

Notably, it recognises the pivotal role of parents and communities in shaping developmental outcomes during these formative years.

As the educational landscape undergoes this transformative overhaul, the destiny of ASSEB hangs in the balance. The AHSEC official informed GPlus, "The ASSEB will commence operations after a year or so, beginning in 2025, but the decision timeline will only be unveiled post the assembly."

This delayed initiation underscores the necessity for a meticulous and well-thought-out transition plan.

As stakeholders await the unveiling of guidelines post-assembly, the success of ASSEB hinges on transparent communication, robust planning, and a commitment to upholding the principles of quality education laid out in the National Education Policy 2020.

The amalgamation of SEBA and AHSEC marks not just a bureaucratic merger but a pivotal juncture in Assam's educational trajectory, where careful steering is essential to navigate the uncharted waters of educational reform.