
Opinion | Heat Stroke: A Summer Ailment


Heat stroke is a life threatening medical emergency condition where the body is unable to regulate its core temperature after exposure to high environmental temperature and humidity. This is the most serious form of heat injury.

Heat stroke can occur if body temperature rises to 105° F (40° C) or higher. The condition is most common in the summer session and it can lead to brain damage, organ failure or death.

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Heat stroke accounts for 4000 deaths annually in the United States and more than 10000 deaths in a year globally .A studies suggest that heatstroke occurs in about 20 out of 100,000 people each year in the U.S.

Anyone can get heatstroke; but infants, children and the elderly are at especially high risk because their bodies may not be able to regulate temperature effectively. Athletes, soldiers and people with occupations that require physical labour in hot environments are also susceptible to heatstroke.

Common signs & symptoms of heat stroke : In 80% of cases, the onset of heat stroke is sudden and the patient becomes confused or comatose. Seizures occur in more than 50% cases. Other sign and symptoms of heat stroke may includes:

High body temperature: A core body temperature of  approx. 105° F (40° C) or higher, obtained with a rectal thermometer, is the main sign of heatstroke.

Physical collapse: In this situation the person may fall down and unable to walk or moveability decreases with time.

Altered mental state or behavior: Confusion, agitation, slurred speech, irritability, delirium and coma can all result from heatstroke.

Alteration in sweating:  In heatstroke brought on by hot weather, The skin will feel hot and dry to the touch. However, in heatstroke brought on by strenuous exercise, skin may feel dry or slightly moist.

Nausea and vomiting: The patient may feel sick to stomach or vomit.

Flushed skin: The skin colour may turn red as body temperature increases.

Rapid breathing: The  breathing rate become rapid and shallow.

Racing heart rate: The  pulse may significantly increase because heat stress places a tremendous burden on  heart to help the  body cool down. It enables to lowering the blood pressure.

Headache:  Head may throb during the time of heat stroke.

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Different types of Heat Stroke

Generally two types of heat stroke can occur in our body .

Exertional heatstroke: This is the most common form of heatstroke is usually the result of physical overexertion in hot, humid conditions. It can develop in a few hours.

Non-exertional heatstroke: Also called classic heatstroke, this type can occur due to age or underlying health conditions. It tends to develop over several days.

Management and prevention of heat stroke:

Exertional heat stroke has had a 100% survivable rate when immediate cooling via cold water immersion can be initiated within 10 minutes of collapse. Body cooling can also be done by applying ice packs to the neck, groin and armpits. Encouraging patient to drink slightly salted fluids, such as sports drinks or salted water. Having the patient lay down in a cool, shady, well-ventilated environment. Monitoring the breathing carefully and removing any airway blockages.

The patient shouldn't giving any medications, including aspirin and acetaminophen.

The heavy and tight wear should be removed as much as possible. Strenuous activity in hot weather, drink fluids and rest frequently in a cool spot. Try to schedule exercise or physical labor for cooler parts of the day, such as early morning or evening.

Limit the time spent working or exercising in heat until you're conditioned to it. People who are not used to hot weather are especially susceptible to heat-related illness. It can take several weeks for body to adjust to hot weather. So should be cautious if at increased risk. If a person takes medications or has a condition that increases the risk of heat-related problems, avoid the heat and act quickly if there is a chance of   overheating symptoms.

During the summers we shouldn't wait for thirsty .Needs to be hydrated throughout the day. should always pay attention to urine colour as an indication for body hydrated measure as follows :

Pale Yellow: Normal hydration

Honey Yellow : Rehydrate soon

Cloudy/Dark Yellow : Body needs hydration soon

Orange Yellow : Severely dehydrated

Certain chronic illnesses, such as heart or lung disease, might increase the  risk of heatstroke. So can being obese, being sedentary and having a history of previous heatstroke.

 (The author is Pharmacy student. All views and thoughts expressed are the author’s own.)


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