
Naga Issue Resolved, Says Tamil Nadu Governor R N Ravi


GUWAHATI: Former peace interlocutor of Naga peace talks and present Tamil Nadu governor Thiru RN Ravi believes that the Naga issue has been resolved and there is no issue in Nagaland now.

“Some people are asking about the final settlement, but the peace pact itself is the final settlement,” said Ravi adding that only those who have interest in continuing like this will continue to do so.

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“We have made this clear, which is why the Centre discontinued the position of interlocutor and assigned an OSD to facilitate contacts. The talks concluded on October 31, 2019, and issues were settled. Issues related to the flag and constitution have been addressed. After peace is restored, and if there are any other concerns, they can still be raised,” Ravi said.

“As far as peace pact is concerned, what is wrong right now? Is there any violence in Nagaland; some criminal activities occur, as they do in any states such as Bihar, Uttar Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, or elsewhere and those caught engaging in illegal activities are being prosecuted,” Ravi told media persons from Assam who are on six-day tour of Tamil Nadu organised by the Press Information Bureau.

During the interaction, Ravi spoke about the uniqueness of different regions, noting that while the Northeast has unparalleled natural beauty, Tamil Nadu is known for its heritage tourism. He highlighted how the introduction of the Bengal Eastern Frontier Regulation in 1873 by the British created a division between the plains and hills, leading to a sense of estrangement among the people of the Northeast.

“ We became strangers among ourselves even within the Northeast,” he said. Ravi also discussed the impact of education on state development, stating that skilled human resources drive transformation.
He also explained that Tamil Nadu’s focus on education and infrastructure can be a model for Assam and other Northeastern states. “Chennai has become a major destination for health tourism and suggested that Guwahati could develop into a health sector hub catering to neighbouring countries like Bangladesh, Bhutan, and Myanmar. Further, he said that Northeastern states could take a leaf out of Tamil Nadu’s book for inspiration in heritage tourism.

The former Governor of Nagaland also vouched for establishment of skill development centres in Assam to bridge regional skill gaps and enhance economic opportunities.

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