
Guwahati: Kalapani’s Residents Struggle With Horrible Road Conditions


The construction of a drainage system, initiated by the PWD five months ago, has been left incomplete, leaving the roads in an unusable state


West Gotanagar's Kaalapaani area is grappling with severely degraded road conditions due to the suspension of a critical construction project by the Public Works Department (PWD). This issue has become more pressing with the onset of harsh weather conditions, intensifying the daily struggles of local residents.

The construction of a drainage system, initiated by the PWD five months ago, has been left incomplete, leaving the roads in an unusable state. The last time these roads were restored was in 2007, and the current neglect has rendered them nearly impassable. The unpredictable weather further aggravates the situation, making it extremely difficult for vehicles to traverse the area. Even pedestrians face significant challenges, especially since Kaalapaani is situated in a slightly hilly region.


Residents have repeatedly attempted to draw the authorities' attention to their plight. However, their collective efforts seem to have fallen on deaf ears, with no significant improvements in sight. 

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One resident, speaking to GPlus, shared their frustrations, "We have been in a dilemma for a long time. The drainage construction work which started a few months back was left incomplete. As a result, the roads have become inaccessible. This is a serious issue as at times of emergency we are left with no options. Our vehicles have been lying here since then. And a few vehicles are parked in some other places."


The incomplete drainage work has made daily chores a struggle for the residents, who are now forced to carry their essentials on foot. Given the hilly terrain of the area, this has become an arduous task. The presence of several water pipes under the Guwahati Jal Board (GJB) along the roads has added to their frustration.


Another resident expressed their concerns, saying, "We just pray to god that no health issues arise amid this chaos. We've seen motorists falling and hurting themselves. Even pedestrians slip and fall. Fortunately, those who are from this area have not been injured severely. It is impossible for an ambulance to reach here. I wonder what misery it will be if anyone falls sick."


The residents' worries are not unfounded. The lack of accessibility poses a significant risk in emergency situations. Vehicles have been rendered immobile, and the thought of an ambulance navigating the treacherous roads is intimidating. The community's safety and well-being are at stake, yet the authorities show no signs that they really care.


A senior PWD officer, when contacted by GPlus, cited several reasons for the delay. "Due to elections, Eid, and the harsh weather conditions, there was a significant delay in the work. We are planning to complete it by the next three months provided all factors align," the officer said.


However, this timeline offers little comfort to the residents who have already endured months of hardship. The heavy rainfall has not only disrupted the construction process but has also further deteriorated the state of the roads. The community's patience is wearing thin as they continue to navigate the hazardous conditions daily.


The situation in Kaalapaani is a stark reminder of the broader infrastructure challenges facing the city. While the PWD cites seemingly legitimate reasons for the delay, the impact on the residents cannot be ignored. Their daily lives have been upended, and their pleas for assistance have yet to yield tangible results.


The authorities must prioritise the completion of the drainage project and the restoration of the roads. The well-being of the community depends on it. In the meantime, residents remain hopeful but wary, their lives hanging in the balance as they await much-needed relief.


The story of Kaalapaani is not unique, similar situations are all around the city but it is a poignant example of how neglect and delays in infrastructure projects can have severe consequences for communities. The PWD and other relevant authorities must take immediate action to address the issues and ensure that such situations do not recur in the future.


As the monsoon season progresses, the urgency of the situation in Kaalapaani only intensifies. The residents' resilience in the face of adversity is commendable, but it is high time that their concerns are addressed, and their living conditions improved. The completion of the drainage project and the restoration of the roads are not just infrastructural necessities but vital steps toward ensuring the safety and well-being of the Kaalapaani community.


In conclusion, the deplorable road conditions in Kaalapaani area of West Gotanagar are a pressing issue that demands immediate attention. The suspension of the drainage construction work by the PWD, compounded by harsh weather conditions, has severely hampered the daily lives of residents. Their collective efforts to seek redress have so far been in vain, but their determination remains unshaken. It is imperative that the authorities act swiftly to alleviate their plight and restore normalcy to the area.

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