Parallel Universes

03:53 PM Jan 20, 2024 | Dr. Suman Bharali


We understand the Universe according to our perception. We observe and experience it according to the capacity of our sense organs. Then we analyze it according to our memory and intellect. We think the environment we are living in, the people we are connected with, the things we are doing and the information we are gathering is the Universe. But this is our individual perception only. 

Every person is experiencing the Universe according to his or her environment and perception. In the morning, every household gets ready for the day. Different meals are cooked in every residence at the same time. Every person goes out for his or her work according to the shift they are working in. What they experience throughout the day is very little of what is going on throughout the world.

Most of the schools start together, and the offices start at similar times, although the work may differ. Similarly, business owners or shopkeepers start their day at similar times and get busy throughout the day with their tasks.

All members of the same family also do their own work and are going through different phases of life. What’s important for a newborn differs from a school-going child. An adolescent is going through different problems and an adult is facing other challenges. The middle-aged are bearing the responsibilities of the family and are insecure regarding a variety of issues, such as finances, diseases, career issues, relationship issues, existential crises, social pressure etc. Old people are feeling ignored, lonely, irrelevant and depressed. At the same time frame, some families might be having fun, celebrating, vacationing and having a good time, while others have some important tasks to finish, some deadlines approaching or overcoming some hard times.  

Also, the capacity of human sense organs is limited. Other living beings perceive the Universe differently according to the capacity and quality of their sense organs. A bird sees the earth from a different angle than an ant. Aquatic animals perceive the Universe differently; so do bats, spiders, flies, cats, and snakes as all have different capabilities.

Thus, we should not think that our truth is the Universal truth and try to understand other’s perspectives as well. Being aware and maintaining harmony among different Universes is necessary for a peaceful existence. While we are doing our job and focusing on our goals the other components of the Universe are also active. So, we need to be conscious about what’s going on in and around us and move forward trying to keep everything in balance. If everything acts synergistically it will boost our progress otherwise it will drag us back.

For instance, if the parents are busy with their own life, job, and enjoyment and don’t spend time with their children, soon they will their children doing things they don’t like. Similarly, if someone ignores what their elderly parents are going through, soon they will realize, what their importance is.  And regret why they did not do the things when there was time.

Also, in any relationship, if the individuals are preoccupied only with their thoughts, tasks, ambitions and desires, the other will soon feel neglected and gradually they will float apart. These apply in every forum, whether between students and teachers; employees and employers, customers and owners and so on. If there is a communication gap it will widen up further if necessary, action is not taken in time. Therefore, it’s important to understand that every person has a Universe inside him or her and all of us collectively are a tiny part of the vast Universe. Being conscious about it and keeping a balance between all is important for everyone’s welfare.

(The author is a practitioner of Ayurvedic medicine. All views and opinions expressed in the article are the author’s own)