Assamese Music Video “Bhagoruwa” Explores Self-Love & Self-Discovery

03:35 PM May 25, 2024 | Indrani Chakrabarty


"Bhagoruwa," a song composed by Bottle Rockets India and released three years ago, has finally received a visual representation through a music video produced by Monkey Studios. The song, intricately woven in black and white monotone, beautifully captures raw and pure emotion, reflecting its core themes of self-love, self-discovery, and self-exploration.

The video, directed by Kulanandini Mahanta, is a compelling narrative that explores the journey of finding oneself amidst the chaos of life. Mahanta's personal connection with the song shines through in the video’s meticulous mise-en-scène.

Talking to GPlus, Kulanandini shared her long-held desire to collaborate with Bottle Rockets India and finally find a perfect match in "Bhagoruwa."

The video’s cast includes individuals from all walks of life, spanning ages from an 11-year-old to an 85-year-old grandmother. This diverse representation underscores the song’s message: self-discovery is a universal experience, irrespective of age. The cyclical nature of losing and finding oneself is beautifully depicted, highlighting how, in prioritising others, we often neglect our own likes, dislikes, and desires.

The visual narrative is a back-and-forth journey of self-discovery, represented through the motif of a mirror symbolising the character's quest to find their reflection, an allegory for seeking one's inner self or true desires. The monochromatic palette too has enhanced the rawness of emotions, making the viewer introspect their own life journey.

“The seed of the song "Bhagoruwa" germinated back in 2019, during an event organised by the Bottle Rockets India in Guwahati. The event was called 'Purano Shei Diner Kotha' and it was during a performance there that the idea for "Bhagoruwa" sparked with the help of some elders,” says Arghadeep Baruah.

“‘Bhagoruwa’ is one of those songs that came together effortlessly, almost as if by pure blessing. The song embodies the spirit of never giving up and finding peace and happiness in each other’s company, much like the elderly couple in the film ‘The Notebook’," Baruah further added.

Arghadeep Barua's vocals melt in your ears like butter, perfectly complementing the poignant lyrics penned by Arghadeep Barua, Nilarnab Sarma, and Ratan Bora. The musical arrangement, featuring Riaz Ahmed on guitar, Mrinal Talukdar on bass, Ratan Bora on violin and strings, Nilarnab Sarma on drums, and Arwin Marbaniang on keys, is a testament to Bottle Rockets India's exceptional composition skills. Sumit Baruah's mixing and mastering add a polished finish to the track.

In the end, all I can say is that "Bhagoruwa" is more than just a song; it’s an experience that takes the audience on a journey through life's ups and downs. The music video amplifies this experience, providing a visual counterpart to the song's exploration of self-identity. It resonates deeply with anyone who has ever felt lost and is searching for a way back to themselves.

It is a testament to the collaborative efforts of all involved, showcasing the magic that happens when music and storytelling come together to reflect the complexities of the human experience.

(The author is a media professional. All views and opinions expressed in the article are the author’s own)