Assam: New SOP For Frisking ADRE Candidates At Examination Centres

12:40 PM Sep 27, 2024 | G Plus News


GUWAHATI: A new Standard Operating Procedure for ADRE has now been implemented regarding the search of candidates before admitting them to examination centers. It is an all-inclusive protocol directed by the Home and Political Department towards restricting entry of unintended items, most of all, electronic devices and, of course, the material for cheating, thereby providing every candidate with a test-friendly environment.

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Under this new SOP, candidates are strictly made to adhere to certain directives for the items they will be carrying into the examination centre. Such items are prescribed by the SEBA, the Testing Agency, and State Level Recruitment Commissions for Grade-III and Grade-IV posts. The candidates may be asked to remove items like headgear, footwear, and jewellery and accessories, with special emphasis on them for which inspection may be conducted at any suspicion arises.

According to the SOP, police personnel should be assigned to each centre to frisk the candidates, with the male and female candidates respectively placed in the different designated areas. Female candidates would be frisked at partitioned areas that are covered with curtains to ensure privacy. The search will encompass; manual pat-down searches conducted by police officers of the same gender and even the use of handheld metal detectors. Candidates would be asked to evacuate their pockets and dispose of their belongings into designated trays for scanning.

The police personnel will seize the unauthorised materials-equipment or copying material. If any electronic device or cheating material is discovered, for further action the person may be denied entry and reporting to higher authorities shall be followed. SOP also elaborates on procedures concerning cases of violation. If a female candidate refuses to frisk, they will make her sign on an undertaking and send her under closer examination in a different room.

The new SOP brings light on respect and dignity during the frisking process with all employees given training to ensure thoroughness without being unprofessional. CCTV will be put in place where there is coverage for recording of interactions except for women's booths to maintain privacy. An Officer-in-Charge at every center to take any complaint related to the frisking procedure.